International yoga day is celebrated on 21 June every year since 2015. It is the idea of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. During his speech at United Nations General Assembly(UNGA), he proposed this idea. As a result, the UN declared 21 June as the International Day of Yoga by resolution 69/131.
It is the 7th international yoga day. Yoga derives from the Sanskrit word “Yuja.” The purpose of it is to meet or unite. Yoga day is celebrated to promote awareness internationally about its importance and impact on the health of humans.
Why Do We Choose June 21 For International Yoga Day?
The 21 June is assigned to international yoga day because it is the longest day of the year. In addition, it is the day when the sun is out most of the time compared to other days of the year.
International Yoga Day 2021: Theme
This year, ‘Yoga for Well-being’ is the theme of International Yoga Day. This is because the Covid 19 patients feel stressed and other problems during treatment. Therefore the theme of Yoga for Well-Being is perfect as yoga contributes to good health for every individual.
Last year the theme was ‘Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family.’ There was a covid crisis everywhere globally; therefore, it is the appropriate theme during this crisis. Yoga is an easy exercise that doesn’t require any machinery so that anyone can do it at home.
10 Amazing International Yoga Day 2021 Quotes
T.K.V. Desikachar
" Anybody can breathe. Therefore anybody can practice yoga."
"Anybody can breathe. Therefore anybody can practice yoga."
Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
" Yoga is 99% Practice & 1% theory."
"Yoga is 99% Practice & 1% theory."
" Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self."
"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self."
Gautama Buddha
" Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without."
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without."
T. Guillemets
" A photographer gets people to pose for him. A yoga instructor gets people to pose for themselves."
"A photographer gets people to pose for him. A yoga instructor gets people to pose for themselves."
Etty Hittlesum
" Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths."
"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths."
Elise Joan
" Yoga is the ultimate practice. It simultaneously stimulates our inner light and quiets our overactive minds. It is both energy and rest. Yin and Yang. We feel the burn and find our bliss."
"Yoga is the ultimate practice. It simultaneously stimulates our inner light and quiets our overactive minds. It is both energy and rest. Yin and Yang. We feel the burn and find our bliss."
Gautama Buddha
" Be a lamp to yourself. Be your own confidence. Hold on to the truth within yourself as to the only truth"
"Be a lamp to yourself. Be your own confidence. Hold on to the truth within yourself as to the only truth."
Sharon Gannon
" You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state. What you can do are yoga exercises, which may reveal to you where you are resisting your natural state."
"You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state. What you can do are yoga exercises, which may reveal to you where you are resisting your natural state."
Jason Crandell
" Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are."
"Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are."
Related: 10 yoga peace quotes that will increase your focus.
Also Read: Best 12-Week Yoga Burn Challenge That Every Woman Must Try.
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